As per the Rational of anti raw labor movement & immigration reform agitators....
As per the Rational of anti raw labor movement & immigration reform agitators....Posted on May 15, 2006 at 06:55:18 PM by Jaime Kenedeno"and the like" trying to stir the pot of hate in a continual DO loop. One radio talk artist this afternoon referred to then and now. He said, at one time we had vast acres of open emptiness, (with a need to be occupied) else, another country would squat and possess the land. Now it is different he says now we are full and we dont want no more immigrants coming over the river. This is the same way of natural migration (to and fro) that used to be legal. Now this same method of immigrating across the Rio Grande is illegal. The problem is the Corporate & The Country's economy will suffer if there are no "illegal" (undocumented) workers. Will the prices go up if this pool of raw labor evaporates? Prices of what? Tomatoes? Produce?? Taquitos? Chinese Food?? He speaks as if they are a nuisance as does many a hater. In the same breath the economically ignorant want to put a WALL or Minute Men and now the National Guard. The is a waste of money and injurious to our Nations Economy. This is a Politicians Game of Divide & Conquer. A nuisance? Like Pests? Like Sugar Ants maybe, as the hater whines of the multitudes of human beings crossing the river daily("illegally" ? Why do Sugar Ants migrate and eventually reach their destination? A Sugar Ant migrates to the sugar. Just like a river will always run it's course and eventually makes another path when impeded. Reason will tell the haters, the source of their troubles is not the natural plight of the ants but rather the natural sustinence of the sugar ant which is sugar. To take away the natural sustinence of the undocumented worker is to take away the opportunities that are YANQUIED by our Corporate Elite. Put every one of them in JAIL! Not the ANTS but the Sugar Providers (EMPLOYERS). Fine the crap out of them. Then we will see that we need these little people in parable;..... the ANTS.